Registration Form

Register With Locumotion & Centric Health

Work in Ireland as a Locum or Contracted Doctor with Locumotion and leverage our expertise, industry knowledge and vast network of clients to find a job that meets your career and personal goals:

    • Suppose you are new to Ireland and the Irish health system. In that case, Locumotion locum agency will assist you with all of your paperwork including that registering with the Irish Medical Council and Visa requirements.
    • We provide top rates of GP Doctor pay for Locums, Full time and part-time GPs.
    • Our Medical Directors provide clinical and administrative orientation programmes for all our new GP Doctors at our Headquarters in Dublin.
    • We continue to support you throughout your job placement.
    • Your placement coordinator remains your trusted and dedicated point of contact while you work with Locumotion.

Please fill out the information below so that we can better match you to opportunities available.

Job Title
Full Name
Mobile Phone
Are you registered with the Irish Medical Council?
Are you interested in a Contract
Are you interested in the ICGP Non EU Rural Scheme
Availability & Preferences

CV upload
Years of GP Experience
Did you graduate in the EU
Where did you train?

GDPR - Do you give permission to store and process your data?