Registration of Interest Form

GP Registrars

Register With Locumotion* & Centric Health

Leverage our expertise, industry knowledge and nationwide network of practices to find a job that meets your career and personal goals:

  • We provide top rates of GP Doctor pay for locums, part-time, and full-time GPs.
  • Career progression pathways are structured, transparent and defined throughout your career with us.
  • We provide a wide range of employee benefits and remuneration.
  • We actively support and facilitate a healthy work-life balance for all.
  • We continue to support your professional development through post-graduate training and mentoring programmes.

*Locumotion is the exclusive GP recruitment arm of Centric Health

Please fill out the information below so that we can better match you to opportunities available.

Job Title
Full Name
Mobile Phone
Are you registered with the Irish Medical Council?
Interested in Contract
GP Registrar / Trainee
Training Scheme
Preferred location

CV upload

GDPR - Do you give permission to store and process your data?