Registration form

Personal Details

First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone (+country code)
Date Of Birth
Current Location
YACHT CANDIDATES - Select your closest yachting hub

Preferred Positions

Please select a maximum of 5 positions that you would like to be considered for either on Yachts or in Private Estates. Filling out this information, enhances your visibility amongst our recruiters  

Yacht Positions
Vessel Type
Yacht Position (You can select up to 5)
Private Estates Positions
Private Estates Positions (You can select up to 5)
Position Details
Type of contract
Seeking Work As

Visa Information (several options available)


Please input your highest certificate information

General Certificates for All Candidates
Yachts - General Certificates
Deck - Yacht Certficates
Deck - Commercial Certificates
Deck - US Qualifications
Engineering - Yacht Certificates
Engineering - Commercial Certificates
CV Upload (PDF or Word format only)
CV Upload
You can upload your certificates, documents & references once you login.
Upon registration, you will receive an email containing your user login details (If you do not see the email in a few minutes, please check your “junk mail” or “spam” folder)
Connect to your profile with your login details and complete your profile using the available Web Forms

By signing this form and clicking the Submit button below, I hereby agree to and accept the Terms of Service of Hill Robinson.
Please sign here